2020 Goals

Every November, I get the itch to start planning for the new year. I love new years – new beginnings and starting over and all that. This coming year is a big one – it is a new decade, it’s a leap year, and it’s an even number.

Back in September, I ordered the inkWELL Press Goal Planner inserts for the 360* disc system. At first, I had a little trouble coming up with goals for the year. I even had to google it!

Eventually, I landed on a few that seem like they make sense for me at this point.

Lose Weight

I’m going to spare you the exact number, but it’s significant. Years of bad habits caught up with me.

  1. I need to quit drinking soda and Starbucks. I’ll save money and lose weight.
  2. I need to quit buying and consuming junk food. I can’t eat like I did when I was a teenager. I know I will feel better if I stop that bad habit.
  3. Exercise daily. This is something that’s tough for me to do, since I need to see results to keep doing something. I know that losing weight takes time – sometimes lots of time – so I just need to find something I like to do and keep doing it. In the summer, it’s walking on the trail. Obviously, I can’t really do that every day, especially when it’s -50.

Declutter My House/Garage/Storage Unit

Ugh. This one will take me all year because I hate decluttering. I love how it looks and feels afterward, but getting started is the hardest part for me. Honestly, I wish I could just trash it all and start over with nothing, but that’s not how this works.

Have a Healthy, Happy Relationship

This one is in progress already 😉

Journal Every Day

This is a continuation on last year’s goal. I am doing pretty well. I write something most days. I use Microsoft Word on my laptop because I type quicker than I handwrite these days.

Become a Consistent Photographer

I have been taking photos (as a hobby) for ten years now. I have a full frame camera, and two amazing lenses, but zero creativity and motivation at the moment. I rarely pick up my camera anymore and just snap a shot with my iPhone instead, because I’m lazy. I know my phone can’t even compare to the quality of my Nikon, yet I still don’t bother to get the Nikon out. I’m hoping to start a daily photo challenge or something come January. I also need to learn low light photography (without flash) because January in northern Minnesota in a house with no east or west facing windows equals DARK. I need to sort out my editing style too. So much to do!

Become a Morning Person

I want to be the person who gets up at 5am and immediately gets started on their goals and their day. Right now, I have my alarm set for 5:30am, but I snooze it until the very last second (usually 6:30am) to get the kids up and ready for school. I don’t know how I am going to manage this in the middle of January when it’s freezing cold both outside and inside (even with the heat on!)

Well, those are the goals I have for now. It’s enough to get me started. I’m sticking with 2019’s One Little Word (Intention) so I think that fits well with my goals.

Have you started planning for 2020 yet?

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